On-line NCS Course for Managers & Codifiers is running

On Monday, the vice-rector of the University of Defence in Brno, Pavel Foltin, and the director of the Czech National Codification Bureau, Libor Mrozinski, inaugurated the two-week On-line Course for Managers and Codifiers organized within NCS College 2021. The main moderator and lecturer of the course, former UK NCB Director and AC/135 Chairman, George Bond, introduced more than 20 students from Finland, Norway, Romania, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Japan, Czechia, NATO and Hungary. Some of the renowned lecturers from UK, Scotland, USA, NSPA and Czechia, who will lead the training of codification managers and professional codifiers on the real codification software (MC CATALOGUE), shared their experience from the previous years of NCS College at the Icebreaker. The history of NCS College, accompanied by a photo series, was presented to all participants by NCS College main manager Antonín Svěrák, while the students presented some interesting facts from their countries and national codification world.